Friday, 29 January 2016


On Monday we had a very exciting bubbles workshop. We were asked lots of questions and then investigated to find out. 'The Mummies came to help and we made bubbles. Bubbles always pop when you put sharp things in.' Ava. When you put your finger in the bubble mixture and put it into a big bubble it drips into the bubble.' Eden. 'I learned how to blow bubbles. One side is smooth and one side is rough. The rough side worked best.' GG. Perhaps you could explore bubbles further in your bath?
'We learn to hold our our pens correctly and write our letters correctly' Ciara. 'We were writing about how to change our outdoors'. Kaitlyn's idea is to have a big slide mountain. She drew a picture and wrote a sentence.
We explored ice this week. 'It was melting a little' Sophia. ' When it's in your hand it melts.' Rio. ' When you put the ice in your hand too long it drops (water) on your hand because it gets warmer.' Sam.
This weekend is the RSPB 'Big Bird Watch'. They want to find out the types of birds that we have in our garden. We are hoping as many of you as possible will join in with this. I am looking forward to finding out what kinds of birds you have in your garden.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Inside out!

Our topic this term is 'Inside out' and the children were interested to find out more about snakes. We read books about snakes and saw a video of a snake shedding its skin. We were hoping that Mrs Mc Carthy would be able to bring her snake in, but it was too cold for it. When the weather warms up we will be able to see a real snake. During the week one of the children brought in a snake skin for everyone to see.
We looked at the patterns on snake skins and had a go at drawing our own. Some of the children made their own pictures and wrote their own facts about snakes. Mrs Byrne was very impressed with the writing that some of the children produced, particularly some of the boys.
We have been learning about addition this week and have learned about using a variety of manipulatives to find totals. We had a go at writing our own number sentences. The home learning this week is to explore and practice addition at home. Most of the children were also reversing their numbers so they could also practice this as part of their homework.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Welcome Back!

Apologies for the break and welcome to our new blog. We have now had two weeks back following the Christmas break and the children have all come back rested and ready to learn.
We had a very busy week this week. We have been learning about 3D shapes and the children have brought things in from home to talk name and describe with their friends at our talking table. I hope that they will continue to look around for 3D shapes in the environment while they are with their families so that they can consolidate their learning.
We had a very enjoyable afternoon at Forest Schools even though it was rather cold. We read the story of the Stick Man and then they all had a go at making their own stick man using natural found resources. I would like to thank all the parents who kindly took the suits home to wash.
All the children have done a piece of writing this week supported by the teachers and we were very pleased with the results. many of the children are now beginning to attempt to write a sentence and are applying their phonics well.
Willow class is now having a nurture afternoon on Friday that we are calling our 'Caring and Sharing' afternoon. They play games and share a healthy snack while encouraging turn taking, sharing and polite behaviour.
I hope to hear from you soon!

Thursday, 14 January 2016