Thursday, 24 March 2016


We have had a lovely week this week preparing for Easter and finding out about Easter. We found out about the story of Easter and we all had some hot cross buns to taste. I think all the children will now be able to talk about why we celebrate Easter. We all made Easter baskets this week and then the Easter Bunny came to visit us and we had an Easter egg hunt.
We had a visit to Forest School this week where we did a 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' drama, made homes for the small world wild animals and made dens using fabric sheets and sticks that we found. We also made pretend fires and the children pretended to light them by rubbing sticks together. Jacqueline remembered that she had seen how fire is made on her 'Peter Pan' DVD.
We have a long weekend to enjoy with our families and we are all back at school on Tuesday. Please remember that school finishes at 1.30 pm next Friday.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Willow Class assembly

We have had a busy week this week. We had our problem solving maths day on Tuesday. We had a problem to solve which was about sharing. We had four sandwiches to share between three teddies and we had to decide what to do with the last sandwich. We had an interesting variety of ways to share the last sandwich with some children chopping it into three and others chopping it into more pieces and sharing it out. Sharing out is a good activity to practice doing at home as this can encourage the beginnings of division and multiplication.
Our sharing assembly took place on Friday. Thank you to all the parents who attended the assembly and I think you will all agree that the children did a brilliant job. We all have some work to do to be as good as Rio on the hula hoop! It was also sports relief on Friday and we all ran around both playgrounds three times. We were all very proud to have kept up and completed the run and thank you to everyone who has contributed to this very important cause.
This weekend we have not sent the home learning books home as we would like you to complete a sharing assembly sheet with your child instead.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Road safety

We have had a very busy week this week. On Monday we all went for a walk around the village. We looked at the houses and buildings, we looked for numbers and words and we used directional language. As we crossed the road we learned about how to be safe. We have learned a song to help us to be safe on the roads.
Later on in the week we had a road safety workshop. Hannah came from Hertfordshire county Council to talk to our parents and carers and the children about being safe on the roads. We sang our song and we all had a go at crossing the road safely with a grown up.
We have been finding out about the artist Stephen Wiltshire. We looked at his amazing drawings on the internet and we have had a try at carefully drawing pictures of our houses and some of the buildings we saw on our walk.
This week we have also been learning about money. We have named and sorted the coins and have talked about their colours and shapes. we have got a hairdresser shop in our role-play and a toy shop in our maths area and we have been playing shops and using the money.
Next week we will be thinking about Easter and we will be practising for our sharing assembly which will be on the 18th March.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Book Week!

This week has been Book Week and we have had a fantastic week. We have read lots of books and we decided to have a Julia Donaldson focus and lots of children brought their books in. Eden brought in the book 'Paper Dolls' and that gave us the idea of making our own paper doll chains.
We had a session called 'take one picture' and we chose a picture from 'The Gorilla' by Anthony Brown. The children did some amazing follow up activities including using their imagination to write about what might happen next, painting some illustrations and making clay gorillas.
On Thursday we had a session with the Year 3 children in the junior school. We had a session called 'Take one book' and we chose 'Where the Wild Things Are'. We read the story with Year 3 and then we did some follow up activities in our classrooms. We have made an amazing collage, some puppets, and some books. At the end of the day we shared our work with Year 3 and watched their drama.
We use books as a starting point for our maths and did some interesting problem solving and practiced talking about numbers more and less.
Our dress up day was a great success and we enjoyed reading some of the stories that the children brought in. We have put some photos on the website. The teachers dressed up as 'Where's Wally'. Can you find them?
Next week we are thinking about road safety, directional language and money. We will be going on a trip around the village and we will be having a road safety work shop on Thursday morning. The parents are invited to the assembly at 9.20 am.