Friday, 27 January 2017

Rainbow Fish

We used the story of The Rainbow Fish as a starting point to our learning this week. We thought of ways to describe the Rainbow Fish. 'The Rainbow Fish is very sparkly and gold.' He has shiny scales' Luca. We all did some writing about the rainbow fish and used words to describe him.
'We've got the small world with the Rainbow Fish in.' Jessica. 'I pretended that the Rainbow Fish was very nice and gave them some scales.' McKenzie. 'There are big fish and it is long.' Noah.
We all made beautiful water colour paintings of The Rainbow Fish. They look lovely on our wall.
We used the story during our circle time to talk about being a good friend.
This weekend's home learning will be to join in with the RSPB bird watch. Find details on their web site.

Friday, 20 January 2017


We have continued to enjoy our Elmer activities this week. 'we did drawing' Bibi. 'I brought my Elmer in' Luca. 'We made Elmers' with milk bottles' McKenzie. 'We made it out of tissue paper' Harley. 'We had colourful bits of paper to stick on the bottles' Jessica.
'We were learning about elephants.' Eliana. We watched a film and a PowerPoint and we shared all our facts from our home learning books. Some children wrote books about elephants. 'They have muddy baths to protect their skin from the sun.'Ryley. 'Girl elephants are called cows.' Gabriel. 'Elephants are the biggest animals in the world. 'Lulu. 'Elephants can swim' Noah B. 'When elephants are hot they flap their ears.' Cai.
We have been learning to name and describe 3D shapes this week. For our home learning this week we would like you to go on a shape walk and look for shapes. Perhaps you could take some pictures and then label them?

Friday, 13 January 2017


We read the story of Elmer. 'We made books' McKenzie. Lots of the children had a go at writing their own books. 'We played with the Elmer toys' Florence. The children enjoyed retelling the story of Elmer in our small world area and with the story sack. 'Elmer has lots of colours' Cai. We compared the sizes of different of the elephants. 'They are a little bit big and a little bit small.' Ryley. Everyone had a go at writing a sentence about Elmer and making patterns on an elephant. We had some amazing writing this week!
We sang 5 elephants on a piece of string for our music and practised keeping time with the music. Eadie showed everyone how she could keep time with the music when she practised in Learning Through Play.
Next week we will be learning about 3D shapes and making our own 3D Elmer elephants. Our home learning is to find out a fact about an elephant and write a sentence. I am looking forward to find out more about elephants.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome back and we wish you all a Happy New Year! It was lovely to see the children coming back into school with such enthusiasm. 'I love being back to school and playing with everything.' James. 'I like playing with my best friends at school.' Jessica. 'I love to play with Jessica in the drawing area.' Eliana. 'I like playing with Dilhan in the Role- Play,' Noah B.