Friday, 24 February 2017


This week we have had a really exciting week being scientists. 'We did an experiment about sweeties' Luca. 'Be colours' Bibi. 'There was lots of colours' Olivia. 'We put the skittles around the plate and we added water and then all the juice came off the skittles. It looked a rainbow on the plate.' Jessica.
We explored kaleidoscopes and we all had a go at making one. 'We cut out the bit through the plate and then we made a hole in the cup and then decorated it.' Eadie. 'We put some sparkles on and then we put some cling film over it. We turned the cup round and then you could see the sparkles move inside and you could see patterns.' Luella
In Maths we have been learning about doubling. 'We are learning to add' Bibi. 'It means adding a number and the same amount as that number.' Florence.
Next week is Book Week and we have got lots of exciting activities to do. Our Home Learning is to write about our favourite book.

Friday, 10 February 2017

William Morris

We have had a lovely week this week finding out about William Morris. The children had looked at William Morris for their home learning and many children had looked at the patterns and had a go at drawing them.
We took the pattern of 'The Strawberry thief' as the starting point for our week. We talked about what this meant and what the birds were doing and we looked at pictures of strawberries, strawberry plants and their flowers. Through the week we all drew and painted our own birds and we made collage and printed flowers. Some children had a go at making strawberries out of felt and stitched the seeds on. The final display is really special and is on our web site to look at.
We had our Woodlands session during the week and we made dens, but all had a go at making a bird feeder. We watched film of birds feeding off feeders to gain an understanding of how birds feed.
We have been learning about addition in maths and have done a range of activities to further our understanding of this. The addition machine in our maths area proved particularly popular. See the picture on our web site.
We hope you have an enjoyable half term and look forward to seeing which of the possible 33 ideas you did for your home learning.