Friday, 31 March 2017


What a busy week!
This week Willow class have been learning about weight. We have been looking at heavier and lighter objects and using weighing scales to explore.
Willow class have been learning about Easter and how other people celebrate in RE. We have made some lovely Easter baskets which we used today to go on a special Easter egg hunt! We also had a special assembly from Rev. Tim today, teaching us about Easter and why we eat Easter eggs and hot cross buns.
This Easter there is a special home learning activity. We have a packet of cress seeds for each child and they are to be planted over the Easter weekend. Can you think of a creative way to plant your cress seeds? They can then be brought back into school on Tuesday 18th April to be judged.
We hope you have a lovely break, and look forward to hearing what you have all been up to!

Friday, 24 March 2017

The Easter story

This week we found out about the Easter story. We read the story and the children shared their knowledge of what Easter is about. The children all did some amazing writing, most now writing their sentences independently.
In PE we have been practising our bunny hops and log rolls. Perhaps you could show your families what these are at home?
We have all made a special gift for our Mum's. We hope all the Mums have a good rest on Sunday.
Our home learning is to find out about Easter and write a sentence. I am looking forward to seeing some lovely sentences all written independently.

Friday, 17 March 2017


This week the weather has been lovely and warm and spring is in the air. We have all made observational paintings of daffodils and I am so pleased with the progress of the children's art work. We have also got some frog spawn in the reception classes and soon we will have tadpoles to watch and feed. We will continue to learn about lifecycles next term.
We had a wonderful session down at Woodlands. The children looked for resources to improve our bug hotel and we made our own faces with natural resources on the top of the logs. Some of us stayed behind and had a lovely afternoon outside in the muddy kitchen, the den making and the sand pit.
We have continued with our learning about subtraction and were pleased to see some very good home learning. In Literacy this week we have been reading poems and learning about the rhythm and the rhyme. Some children had a try at writing their own poems.
This week's home learning is an art competition to design a picture on the theme of 'I love Herts'. 

Friday, 10 March 2017

Sharing assembly

This morning we put on our sharing assembly for all our parents and carers. We talked about all the wonderful learning we have done this term. We were so proud of all the children who spoke out and sang so well!
This week in Maths we have been learning about subtraction. We sang songs such as ten in the bed to remind us to use the language of take away. We all had a try at writing number sentences and using a range of ways to work out the answers. Our home learning this week is to continue to practise this as some children found they were confusing addition and subtraction.
We have been finding out about space this week. We had some amazing home learning and the children had already learned such a lot. We found out about the planets in our solar system and next week we will be finding out more about stars.